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2 responses to “Student Testimony”

  1. Hi Mrs Terlie V. Chery (Mr Tee)
    Miss Wedlie Vincent

    Thank you for your unwavering support, guidance, and belief in me. You’ve made a profound impact on my life, and I am forever grateful. Your passion for teaching and your dedication to my growth has inspired me in ways I cannot put into words. Thank you for shaping my future with your knowledge and care.

  2. To two exceptional women, Mrs Terlie and Mrs Wedline

    Thank you very much for all the attention you gave during this training period and your Kindness is second to none. In a foreign land, you are among the quality people that I have had the opportunity to meet and that is quite a blessing. Your patience with us made us children and I don’t think there is another school in the entire state of New York like yours that provides support from start to finish and even more. I have rarely seen such dedicated people driven by a great desire to help and motivate and not to make money. The Lord will take this ministry into account, I would even say this is why my greatest wish for you is that the Almighty may shine his richest blessings on you by allowing you to have another, larger premises in order to accommodate many people eager to learn in our community. I am very proud of you, dear compatriots. Well before the exams, after prayer I wanted to thank you with these few words which do not faithfully reflect my thoughts. I am already very happy to bring you tomorrow, willing by the grace of God, good news accompanied by my success in the name of Jesus Christ my Savior and Master. Thank you again and may the Great Architect of the universe shower you with his blessings for the other years to come. Thanks again.

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